Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Josh & Amanda

Yesterday I met Josh & Amanda for the first time in person. What a great couple! I'm going to be shooting their wedding in just a few weeks. It was great to get to know them a bit! Here are some of the photos from the day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Pics from Indiana

Here are some more images from Indiana. My husband Ben and I stayed with some friends there. Saturday morning we took a walk (well, actually a ride) around their land and woods with Bob and son Max. It was really beautiful and kind of "spooky" with all the twisted old Oak trees. I love the shots of their favorite old tree on the property.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sara & MaX

This weekend I was in Indianapolis visiting friends & family. I got the chance to take some photos for Bob & Tammy. I'd never met their children before. Their daughter Sara is so cute! When I took these pictures she was all dressed up for her gymnastics class. She loves dolls, stuffed animals, her dog Elle, dancing and singing... and an abundance of the color pink! When I met their son, I asked his name... and he said, " M A POWER X !!!" I just laughed. Max is really into super heros.... so he always has to use the POWER X when he spells his name. Max is 100% pure boy! When I asked him what he wanted to hold for his photos he chose a toy gun. Of course!!!

Fine Art Images

These images are a collection of my favorite fine art images from the last few years. I thought it would be fun to post them for everyone to see. I love nature... and these are some of the moments where I was almost speechless. The BEAUTIFUL colors, textures, tones, etc. where almost more than I could handle. I love to look back at these images and remember the beautiful places I've visited and the memories I've made there.